Next Gen – young engineers from Hennef
Following a fantastic application from five pupils, we decided in November to support the "F1 in Schools" project and Team Sirius from the local high school in Hennef.
What exactly is "F1 in Schools"?
"F1 in Schools" is a globally recognized and Formula 1-inspired school project that focuses on promoting science, technology, engineering and mathematics, or "STEM" for short. It offers students the opportunity to gain hands-on experience in various fields, including engineering, technology, marketing and entrepreneurship. The most important aspect is the team-oriented competition. Students form teams and work together to conceptualize, design and manufacture miniature Formula 1 cars. These teams then compete against each other in various competitions at local, national and international level.
The competition
At the beginning of February, the finished racing car of the Team Sirius pupils will compete in the NRW competition in Hennef and will be perfectly prepared thanks to the support of Broich Systemtechnik. On the 20-meter-long race track, the cars, powered by a gas cartridge, are accelerated to a speed of up to 70 km/h in order to cover the required distance in just over a second.
Visit at Broich Systemtechnik
Noah Bleifeld, the responsible design engineer, and production manager Jannis Hofste from Team Sirius visited us to discuss the possibilities of support from us. We, Design Manager Dominik Schmitz and Managing Director Roland Müller, were also infected with Formula 1 fever relatively quickly and constructive discussions followed.
Support through 3D printing
The focus of the technical support will be on the 3D printing of the racing car body and wheels. One of the decisive factors for performance in the later competition is the weight of the racing car. Broich Systemtechnik's extended capabilities will not only give the students access to high-quality materials, but also to first-class expertise to help with the final design.
How it goes on
We naturally want our involvement to support the development of STEM skills in young people in our region. But it's not just the next generation of young engineers that we care about, we think the whole project is an excellent opportunity to give young people an insight into the world of industry in all its facets. We wish Team Sirius every success in the upcoming competition and keep our fingers crossed.